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Vonairs - New Swedish Big room Housemusic - duo, first single 'Fucamo'


#1 Thanks for taking the time to do this interview Vonairs. Tell us a bit about yourself,
your name, age, where you're from and an interesting fact if you like...

We're two swedish guys, Petter and Elias, in our early twenties who loves to play and produce
housemusic. we live for it. At the moment we live i Stockholm, Sweden, most of the time in our
studio (haha). When we're not in the studio we spend time on the nightclubs or at the gym, gotta
work on them biceps for all the fistpumping done on stage.

#2 -Is there a story behind your name Vonairs?

Not really, when we decided to start produce housemusic together I (Elias) just thought of a
catchy band-name and Vonairs crossed my mind pretty quick. Petter and the other guys in the
crew liked it and here we are now. I think it's cool. Vonairs is like ”viktory on air”.

#3 -How long have you been a band?

Since March 2013.

#4 -What first got you interested in forming housemusic-duo?

I (Petter) think it was around 2008 when I first heard "555" with Sebastian Ingrosso and Steve
Angello and was completely stoked. Yeah, around that year for me (Elias) too. We have always
been interested in music overall but it's just something special with housemusic, it's so
motivating, every song can mean so much in different ways to the croud, so much energy.

#5 -What/who inspires your music?

The feeling when you making a melody/song from head to reality is magic. And when people
around you confirmes that its a great melody/song, something that you, together, made from
your mind... Probably on of the best feelings you can get.

#6 -Do you see being in a band as a career, or as a hobby?

Vonairs is definitely our carrier together.

#7 -What are you trying to do with your music? Do you want to help your community?
Are you trying to get rich? What is your goal for your music?

Housemusic is what we love, we want to deliver great housemusic to the world, that is what we
live for. Of couse we want to be able to provide our selfes on the music we create, but rich
should just be a bonus.

#8 -Have you ever performed live? How did it feel?

ROSE Nightclub , one of the biggest and crowdiest in Stockholm, crazy gig with a great crowd.
We droped our upcoming track Fucamo and the reaction from the people in the crowd were
great. Hard to describe who great that felt.

#9 -Do you have any kind of management, publishing or distribution team behind you? If
so what are their responsibilities?

Yeah, we have a crew behind us doing management and many things more. We're a really
good team, both as friends and as colleagues.

#10 -What are some accomplishments that you have achieved, and are most proud of?

I think we're most proud of the to upcoming tracks we're soon releasing, PITA and Fucamo.

#11 -What one tip would you give to other aspiring independent artists?

Just work hard, believe in yourself and don't give up, it's a bumpy ride even for Tiesto

#12 -Where can we hear your music online?

You can catch Vonairs on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud and at our web
from janyary 2014


#13 -What projects are you working on at the moment?

Right now we working on a remix on "This Is The Song" by Nause, and two other melodic

#14 -Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?

The dream and a goal is that Vonairs is one of the biggest housemusic-creators/DJs in the
world by that time, realy!

#15 -Do you have any shoutouts you want to give?

Keep you ears wide open for many big track coming up 2014!

Thanks again Vonairs for doing this interview.

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